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Po dveh letih so si nadarjeni osmošolci in devetošolci spet lahko ogledali pravo gledališko predstavo v angleškem jeziku. Na domačem odru v KD Krško smo si tako v torek, 19. aprila 2022, ogledali predstavo Animal farm, ki je nastala po literarni predlogi svetovno znanega pisca in vizionarja Georga Orwella. O pisatelju, njegovem delu, pripravah na predstavo ter vtisih o njej pripovedujejo devetošolci …

                                                                                                                  Andreja Rihter

George Orwell, pisatelj s pravim imenom Eric Arthur Blair, se je rodil leta 1903 angleškemu uradniku v Indiji. Mati ga je pri enem letu starosti pripeljala v Anglijo. Imel je dve sestri. Med drugim je študiral tudi na kolidžu Eton v Londonu in bil kraljevi štipendist. Po šolanju se je zaposlil kot policist v Burmi, vendar je službo pustil in se vrnil v Anglijo, ker je zasovražil imperializem. Udeležil se je španske državljanske vojne. Med drugo svetovno vojno je delal za BBC in se ob tem zavedal, da sodeluje pri ustvarjanju propagande, zato je dobro plačano delo opustil. Umrl je  leta 1950 v Londonu zaradi tuberkuloze.

                                                                                           Lola Kerin, Žana Maver

George Orwell je bil znan romanopisec. Najbolj je znan po dveh delih, Živalska farma in 1984. Roman Živalska farma prikazuje kritiko socializma za časa vladavine stalinizma, 1984 pa je delo, v katerem je Orwell napovedal rezultate totalitarističnih režimov. Med 2. svetovno vojno je delal kot novinar za BBC, kar mu je prineslo veliko prepoznavnost. V svojih delih je vključeval mnoge citate, ki so poznani in aktualni še danes:

  • Big Brother is watching you,
  • All animals are equal, but some are more equal than other animals…
  • If you want to keep a secret you must also hide it from yourself…

                                                                        Sven Klenovšek, Aljoša Božič

V torek, 19. aprila, smo se namesto k pouku, nekateri učenci osmega in devetega razreda odpravili na ogled gledališke predstave v angleškem jeziku v KD Krško. Ogledali smo si predstavo Animal farm, ki je nastala po literarni predlogi Georga Orwella. Na predstavo smo se pripravljali že pri urah angleščine, kjer smo po svetovnem spletu iskali odgovore na vprašanja o pisateljevem življenju in delu, ogledali pa smo si tudi risani film. Predstavo, ki je trajala 90 minut, je uprizorilo pet igralcev dramske skupine ADGE Europe. Ker smo v dvorano prispeli prvi, smo imeli možnost spremljanja predstave iz prvih vrst. Pred našimi očmi se je odvila revolucija živali na farmi… Predstava je bila fascinantna, za nami je nepozaben dogodek.

                             Ivana Gorenc, Brina Mijatović, Samo in Jure  Kozmus

The show Animal farm was very interesting. It was performed by a group of five English actors. The scene was humble, with a small number of props which the actors were rearranging all the time. We found it interesting that all the actors played more than one role and had no special costumes. We really liked the play.

                                                           Jan Fritz, Miha Lapuh, Luka Filipič

Animal farm, written by George Orwell, has been used as a base for films and numerous stage performances. The story is about a group of farm animals who rebel against their owner, a drunken farmer who neglects and abuses them. In the show we saw five actors from the ADGE Europe. In the introductory scene we saw a group of workers from different countries, living and working in poor conditions. The show was similar to the film we watched before the show. On the stage was mainly a metal construction that was rebuilt many times during the performance. The main characters were animals, so the five actors had to imitate various farm animals, which they did really well. We think the actors had a demanding job for each played at least three roles. Among the main characters are Mr Jones, the owner, Boxer, the most hardworking animal, Snowball, the thinker and Napoleon, the leader. The animals wrote the rules about their equality, but they didn’t last for long because Napoleon, their dictator like leader, changed them. The most famous one is “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other animals.” Unfortunately, the same goes for people all over the world. We enjoyed the play more than the movie, because the actors were very good and fun to watch and listen to. We were amazed by their ability to memorize all the lines and make us believe in what they were saying.

                                   Tinkara Kranjčevič, Hana Podgoršek, Marija Kerin

I liked the play because …

…they spoke very good English.

…it was entertaining and the imitations of animal voices were really good.

…they spoke loudly.

…the actors were very good and they effectively changed the scenes.

…it was funny and precise.

                 Nataša Kostanjšek, Neli Božočnik, Lovro Kramžar, Ana Volčanšek,  Noelle Benje, Cezara Katic

Animal Farm | A R T E D NET
