Na pobudo Sveta Evrope iz Strasbourga že več kot 20 let vsako leto 26. septembra praznujemo evropski dan jezikov. Po vsej Evropi se 800 milijonov Evropejcev, ki živijo v 47 državah članicah Sveta Evrope, spodbuja k učenju jezikov v kateri koli starosti, v šoli ali izven nje. Svet Evrope po celi Evropi spodbuja večjezičnost v prepričanju, da jezikovna raznolikost predstavlja pomembno orodje za doseganje boljšega medkulturnega razumevanja in hkrati predstavlja ključno sestavino bogate kulturne dediščine naše celine. Tudi na naši šoli vsako leto obeležimo evropski dan jezikov. V letošnjem letu smo pripravili tematske oglasne deske na hodnikih in v učilnicah tujih jezikov, kjer se lahko naučite pozdravljati in šteti do tri v različnih evropskih jezikih, si ogledate evropska mesta na razglednicah, spoznate zanimivosti o različnih jezikih … Petošolci in devetošolci so razmišljali o pomenu učenja tujih jezikov, povedali so tudi, zakaj se radi učijo tujih jezikov.
I have always liked learning new words and phrases in different languages. My dad was a teacher of English; hence English was a big part of my childhood. I believe it is better to speak more languages rather than just one. In the seventh grade I also started going to German classes twice a week. I would describe myself as more of a language person. Languages have always been way closer to me than Science. Being bilingual has many advantages and benefits such as being able to understand and communicate with different types of people, reading and understanding recipes and instructions, watching movies or just digging through books in an unknown language. In the future I would like to learn even more tongue-twisters and to improve my skills of communication.
Tara Janjanin, 9. a
… because it’s something I’ve always enjoyed. I’ve studied many languages over the years, such as English, Korean, Spanish, German and Slovak. To me it‘s very interesting to learn about their religion, too. I’ve been to Slovakia a few times and being able to communicate with the people in their own language is such an interesting experience. Knowing different languages is also crucial for your career.
Ula Žičkar, 9.
I like learning languages because it’s fun and useful. We need them for school, work, travelling, meeting new people, reading books, watching movies and TV-shows … I also like learning new languages because people say that the more languages you know the smarter you are. A language I would like to learn one day is Italian.
Anja Bukovec, 9. b
I think learning a new language is really important because it helps to connect people. The feeling when you meet someone from abroad and they know your language is the best. I have friends from Italy and Germany and they are teaching me their languages. It’s really interesting and fun. And that’s why I like learning languages.
Uma Učakar, 9. b
Learning languages is important because if you know how to speak a lot of languages, you can travel the world and communicate in different languages. Knowing different languages gives you more opportunities to find new friends around the world. You can easily move to another country to look for a better paid job. Knowing the language before moving to another country makes it easier …
Lucija Zlobko, 9. b
Learning languages is important because we’ll probably need them in the future. If you are very smart and want to go to the best colleges in the world, you’ll need to know foreign languages. However, English is probably the only language you’ll need to know. Why? It’s spoken almost everywhere. But, if you already have plans to study abroad, it would be smart to learn the basics of their language …
Bruno Glas, 9. c
- da se lahko izobražujemo v drugih državah,
- da se lahko sporazumevamo,
- ker je to zanimivo in zabavno,
- da več znamo,
- se lažje znajdeš na potovanjih v druge države.
Učenci in učenke 5. c