Skoči na glavno vsebino

V okviru dela z nadarjenimi učenci na  naši šoli že kar nekaj let učencem 8. in 9. razreda omogočimo tudi ogled gledališke predstave v angleškem jeziku, saj je med glavnimi cilji učenja angleščine razvijanje celostne zmožnosti za medkulturno in medjezikovno sporočanje, kamor sodi tudi ozaveščanje o evropski in svetovni  kulturni dediščini in kulturni ter jezikoslovni raznovrstnosti Evrope in sveta. Tako so si učenci 8. in 9. razreda, ki so to želeli, 9. novembra 2023, v KD Krško ogledali gledališko predstavo  Christmas Carol (Božična zgodba), v izvedbi ADGE (American Drama Group Europe). Predstava je nastala po literarni predlogi svetovno znanega britanskega pisatelja Charlesa Dickensa, ki je živel in ustvarjal v 19. stoletju. V svojih delih je opisoval težko življenje in izkoriščanje revnih, otrok in odraslih. Pred ogledom predstave so se učenci seznanili s pisateljevim življenjem in njegovimi deli, predvsem pa z Božično zgodbo, katere tematika je tudi v današnjem času še kako aktualna – pehanje za denarjem, izkoriščanje in neobčutljivost za težave soljudi … Pa vendar, konec in sporočilo zgodbe sta v predprazničnem duhu, saj vsakdo lahko postane boljši človek. Kot glavni junak predstave Ebenezer Scrooge. O pisatelju in njegovem življenju, predstavi in njenem sporočilu so razmišljali devetošolci.

Andreja Rihter

We watched a play called Christmas Carol. As soon as it started there were many props on the stage, such as doors, benches etc. I found the play funny because there were only six actors and one of them had to play a woman’s role. They had many costumes and their English was very good. The phrases I enjoyed the most about the play were: »money to the poor« and Scrooge’s »bu humbug«. The play is about a man called Ebenezer Scrooge who didn’t like to give much money to his workers or to the poor. He was a greedy person because he made his employees work even during the holidays. At the end he got a second chance, but not everybody does. That’s why you should always be generous to others. Charles Dickens had a difficult childhood because already at the age of twelve he had to start work in a factory. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen anymore, at least here, in our country.

Kristjan Pangrič Fridl, 9. č

The play about Christmas called Christmas Carol was interesting and fun to watch. The story was written by Charles Dickens, a famous writer who lived in the nineteenth century. He wrote about the struggle of daily life and especially about the lives of children who had to start working at a really young age. The story is about an elderly man who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner and the spirits of Christmas. After their visits he is transformed into a much kinder man. I think the play was really good. It was played by six actors who were playing many different roles. I also liked the singing in the play.

Žana Geršak, 9. a

This was the first time I’ve ever watched a play in English. It was spectacular! We watched Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens. There were only six actors on the stage, yet they managed to make a show out of it. I was amazed by their talents; they acted it out so well. At first I thought the play would be boring, to be honest. But to my surprise, it was the exact opposite for the actors managed to keep everyone in the theatre on their toes, waiting for what was to happen next. Christmas Carol must be one of my favourite works by Charles Dickens, since Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. Charles Dickens wrote stories about the struggle of daily life, but also the fact that it is never too late to make a positive change in your life, as did Scrooge. He was visited by the ghost of his late business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. After their visits he became a greater and gentler man. As a child, Dickens himself had to leave school at the age of twelve to work in a factory. After three years he returned to school before he began his career as a journalist, author and editor, writing short novels, stories, comics and novellas. Some of his other famous works are Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Bleak House and Great Expectations.

Ula Žičkar, 9. a

We watched a play called Christmas Carol. It was very interesting and all of the six actors were very good. They had a variety of different props. Only one actor played just one role, that of the main character Ebenezer Scrooge. The other actors played multiple roles. There were also some funny moments like this: when the actor playing one of the ladies who were collecting money for the poor forgot a cigarette from his previous role, he just spit it in the money jar. The play was interesting and well acted out. The story teaches a very important lesson about greed and that there is still a chance to change.

Samo Šegula, 9. č

On Thursday, the 11th of November, we went to the theatre to see a play by the name of Christmas Carol. This classic was written by none other than Charles Dickens, a famous author of the 19th century. He happens to be credited for numerous novels and stories. He is widely recognized all over the world, although he origins from London. Living in the 19th century, many of his works introduce labour conditions, poverty and child abuse. Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a greedy and grumpy old man, who gets a visit from the three spirits of Christmas; Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas yet to come. The ending illustrates it’s never too late to change. Life shouldn’t revolve only on money and greed. I must admit I enjoyed it a lot. Despite the variety of only 6 performers, it felt no less real. The acting and vocals were on point. I especially liked the performers’ chemistry on stage. At last I wish to thank the school for offering us such an opportunity.

Kiara Janjanin, 9. a
